Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Delhi to Agra and the Taj Mahal

Sunday January 27, 0800, start ceremony and blessings, line everybody up between the two support vehicles and we begin a 10-km convoy to the main highway that connects Delhi to Agra.

Sorry folks, big internet problems... can't get Apple to let me get Ursula's photos off her iPhone or iPad... I'm not a big fan of Apple right now. And a thousand other things going on around here, and this is the first time we've connected well to internet since leaving Delhi. So none of Ursula's photos are here. Hope my frustration isn't showing.

Hindu priest blessing the group

and the bus

Ursula and Maggie are blessed

lined up for the convoy

but wait until the cow leads the tuk tuk through

On the way and on our own on Highway 2. The elevated section in the background is part of Delhi's expansive Metro system, all built since 2000 by Bombardier

'Maple Garden' - made us feel like there's a bit of Canada here

Ursula makes her way through the tuktuks
The traffic... we're on a divided six-lane highway. There is a marked bike lane on the left ide (drive on the left here). How it really works is that bicycles and scooters go the wrong way on that lane. That means that us cyclists going the right way have to be in the left lane, but that's okay, we share it with the scooters and tuktuks and regular cars and busses and trucks don't use the left lane... well except when they want to passomebody going slow in the fast lane. That's all great until tuktuks and cars and even trucks and busses are going the wrong way. Add to that that the road frequently goes down to one lane at very busy parts of village where they are still constructing elevated or widened section. We frequently find ourselves in every lane of the road. Chaos and danger? The good news is that the highway isn't terribly busy and even better, the drivers are really great at watching where they're going. Even in the hopelessly congested parts of town, we've done okay.

As we ride down the road, scooters and muktuks frequently slow down and engage in conversation, all very friendly, and often they'll position themselves to take selfies with us.   
A couple of black necked storks dance with each other in a bit of wetland beside the road on the first day

black necked stork and an egret
Monday we were back on the highway. This scene from one of the elevated section is a typical town with lots of open fires hence smoke all day long, worse in the morning mist.

birthplace of Lord Krishna

Krishna temple
Cow patties are used as a heating fuel and also to keep mosquitos and bugs away from homes.

...and here is how they are made.
Unfortunately garbage is a big problem here. One doesn't really want to dwell on it, but every pond and ditch is full of plastic and garbage and rubble i essentially continuous along the side of the road.

 Amongst things found on the highway... camels...

 It always brighten my day when there is a bit of wetland beside the road...
black winged stilts
Today, Tuesday, was for the Taj Mahal. Most of the buildings are red sandstone with the mausoleum in white marble.

 ...and after that the Agra Fort which also housed a royal palace and administrative offices back in Moghul days.

Sorry if this post is a bit disjointed, but if I don't post now, I'll be out of battery. Back on the bikes tomorrow morning and who knows what kind of internet connectivity.

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